Healing from Narcissistic Abuse + The Dark Side of the Coaching Industry with Angela Gentile

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse + The Dark Side of the Coaching Industry with Angela Gentile

Anyone who hasn’t been through some kind of substantial hardship yet has no business being a therapist or coach. There— I said it. No, your therapist/coach doesn’t need to have gone through the same experiences you have; but if they haven’t even set foot inside the school of hard knocks, how the hell are they supposed to have the perspective to help their clients navigate suffering?

In this episode of the podcast, Angela Gentile, public school teacher turned professional hypewoman and speaker, shares how her own experiences have shaped both who she is as a person and as a coach and catalyst with her clients.

Angela opened up about a particularly painful chapter of her 20’s when she was in a relationship with a narcissist. As it often goes in that dynamic, Angela started to believe what she was being told— essentially that SHE was the problem and needed to get her shit together.She desperately sought help, and ended up in another toxic relationship— this time with a “helping professional” (in quotes due to their lack of, well, HELPING), a coach who spent half their sessions talking about her own problems.

As a fellow coach, Angela and I did a deep dive on what to look for (and what to run away from) when you’re seeking support from a therapist or coach. She also shared about the healing method she created based in what helped her heal from all of this crap and more: 'Zen, Rage, Heal.'

If you’ve ever been curious about the dark side of the coaching industry (yes, it DOES get slimy out there) or are somewhere in your own healing journey asking yourself “is this gonna be worth all this WORK?”!— tune in to this episode.

About Angela

Angela Gentile is a former public school teacher turned social disruptor, entrepreneur, podcaster, speaker, and professional hypewoman/MC who hosts highly impactful events and workshops. With over a decade in the entertainment industry, Angela brings talented storytelling and epic energy to any event she’s a part of, leaving participants feeling powerful, connected and knowing they’re a part of something BIG.

Her belief that we deserve to show up in the world as a full, whole version of ourselves has created a strong global community, the Empowered Millennials. Through her events, podcast, fitness classes, meditations, workshops, and community, Angela’s mission is to provide a space for people to move through whatever they need to and experience the braveness and vulnerability that will help them identify the value they bring to the world.

This episode covers:

  • [0:00] Intro

  • [2:20] Reading, Watching, Loving

  • [5:52] Show Up Glow Up

  • [10:20] Angela's past bad experience with a coach

  • [22:45] Her biggest lessons in discernment in hiring a coach

  • [27:25] Privilege in the coaching space

  • [31:15] Shitty things that led to incredible experiences

  • [34:02] How she stepped into her agency and found her authentic way of living

  • [38:33] Zen Rage Heal Method

Resources + Stuff Mentioned in This Episode:

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DISCLAIMER: None of my online content or coaching services are to be considered as therapy or a substitute for individualized mental health treatment or healthcare. These offerings are created for entertainment and educational purposes. For full disclaimer, visit https://badbitchtherapist.co/disclaimer .