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The Power of Becoming ‘Body Aware’ with Erica Hornthal

The Power of Becoming ‘Body Aware’ with Erica Hornthal

Our modern world is paradoxical in many ways, one being this: people will spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on books, courses, coaching, and therapy to become more self-aware— and yet, our technology and pace of living can cause us to be anything BUT aware. Instead, we often find ourselves on autopilot, seldom relying on critical thinking or reflecting deeply on our internal experiences.

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Healing from Narcissistic Abuse + The Dark Side of the Coaching Industry with Angela Gentile

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse + The Dark Side of the Coaching Industry with Angela Gentile

Anyone who hasn’t been through some kind of substantial hardship yet has no business being a therapist or coach. There— I said it. No, your therapist/coach doesn’t need to have gone through the same experiences you have; but if they haven’t even set foot inside the school of hard knocks, how the hell are they supposed to have the perspective to help their clients navigate suffering?

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Ella Magers on Expanding Compassion for Self and ALL Beings

Ella Magers on Expanding Compassion for Self and ALL Beings

It ain't my business to tell anyone how to eat or live their lives, but hey— it's my podcast, so I sure as hell am gonna tell you what I think. 😜 In all seriousness, I haven’t talked much at all about veganism or animal advocacy in the Bad Bitch Therapist world yet. In the past, I actually had a whole separate “Val the Vegan Therapist” website and vegan podcast, and while I’m still just as passionate about veganism today, I just realized that was not a thing that I wanted to do as a full-out additional brand / business.

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Advice for Approaching a New Year (...from my 16-year-old self 😜)

Advice for Approaching a New Year (...from my 16-year-old self 😜)

As I was thinking about how I wanted to ring in the New Year on the podcast, a lightbulb went off— “wait a second, didn’t I find that list of New Years Resolutions I made in high school? That shit would be HILARIOUS.”

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Liz Jenkins on Clearing Clutter Both Externally and Internally

Liz Jenkins on Clearing Clutter Both Externally and Internally

People often hire a professional organizer to help declutter their homes, believing the problem lies exclusively with managing physical STUFF. Liz Jenkins, owner of the thriving organizing business A Fresh Space, knows that the relationship between physical and mental clutter is way more than drawer-deep. 🤓

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Zandra Bonick on Closing Your Money Leaks

Zandra Bonick on Closing Your Money Leaks

The word “budget” often brings up the same connotations as the word “diet”: restriction, deprivation, punishment— basically, a total JOYKILL. On the flipside of the coin, I realized recently that I actually also had a negative connotation with the word “profit” (greedy, using people, capitalist pig, etc.)—talk about damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

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